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International cooperation

The major part of our activities are channelled through the membership of Insurance Europe

The major part of the activities of Insurance Sweden are channelled through the membership of Insurance Europe (former CEA), which was formed in 1953. There contacts between sister organizations in European countries are made and together one follows and tries to influence developments within the EU in matters concerning the insurance industry. Members of Insurance Europe are the national insurance federations in European countries.

The day-to-day work in Insurance Europe is carried out in the Secretariat and prepared in a number of committees. In most committees the Swedish Insurance Federation represents Sweden, but in some cases agreements have been reached with other organizations to do this. More information on Insurance Europe can be found on its website, www.insuranceeurope.eu .

Insurance Sweden also participates in the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC, Insurance Committee and as an observer in the OECD Insurance Committee, in which Sweden is represented by the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of Finance.

Group Consultatif des Associations d’Associations d’Actuaires des Pays des Communautes Europeenne plays an important role as advisor to the EU Commission. Members of the Group are the national associations of actuaries in the EU countries.

In addition, Svensk Försäkring cooperate with other Nordic insurance federations on common issues.